You have a story to share...

Imagine if you could preserve yourself in a way that future generations, hundreds of years from now, could talk to you, and you could talk back. That's now possible, with Elysian. We can now be present in the future (The Virtual You) for all time. Preserve your legacy for generations so that your descendants can experience face-to-face conversations across the boundaries of time.

Make genuine connections and impact lives, even after you're gone, and share a legacy that lives on forever, through the power of conversation.
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Preserve Your Legacy for Generations

We all have unique individual characteristics that define who we are, including; the way we look, our voices, our memories and our experiences. Pictures, and videos go a long way to help provide records of who we are, or who we once were, but don't come close to providing the experience of a one-on-one interaction.

Our Conversational Ai Builder empowers us to preserve some of the key characteristics that make us who we are, and present them in a way that provides friends, family and future generations with the incredible feeling of interacting with us, and the sense of actually being together, when we're no longer physically here.
Activate your FREE trial today, or help someone you love capture their story and leave a lasting legacy for you and your descendants.

Preserve Your Legacy

Loved Ones are Always Close at Elysian

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