Elysian KYC Verification
Elysian users have the option to obtain a purple checkmark next to their profile. If a user has this checkmark it means that they have completed our KYC requirements, and indicates that we have verified the users documents and have confirmed that the user and their Avatar is the actual persons true identity.
Requirements to receive a purple checkmark.
The users profile information must match the Avatar. i.e. You cannot have your user profile KYC documents show that you are John Smith, but your Avatar name is different or look like some else.
Users have three options listed below:
(These documents can be uploaded within the User Profile Settings area.)
Option 1: Some examples of government ID's we accept include: Option 2: Examples of non-government IDs we accept: Option 3: Provide the link to an official website that references you (or your organization). The website link must also be included in your Elysian profile. and, Provide an official email address with a domain relevant to the official website. (i.e. If your official website is my-website.com, then the email address would be something like my-name@my-webiste.com) and, One non-governmental ID that includes your name and a photo. |
Document Storage & Security
The security of our users information is a top priority. After you send us a copy of your ID, it'll be encrypted and stored securely. Your ID won't be visible on your profile, to friends or to other people on Elysian.
To help ensure IDs used for identity confirmation are real, we use both manual
review and automated systems. We may also partner with trusted service providers
to confirm your identity. This helps detect and prevent risks such as impersonation
or ID theft, keeping you and our Elysian community safe. To help improve our
systems for detecting fake IDs and related abuse, we may securely store your
ID for up to 1 year.